What You Need To Know About Hoop Camp

Goal: To be prepared for a four night, five day enjoyable camp experience
Bedding: Our Cabins provide each camper with their own bunk and mattress pad. Please bring either a Sleeping Bag or set of Pillow, Sheets, and blanket.
Basketball gear: Several t-shirts for play, basketball shorts, plenty of socks, and two pairs of sneakers in case of one pair fouling out
Swimming: Beach towel, swimwear, sunscreen, and sandals
Casual: T-shirts, shorts, jeans, hoodie & sweat pants for cool weather
Team cabin & shower needs: Towel, shampoo, and soap
Personal: Deodorant, bug spray, and small fan if desired (no hair dryers or large electric items)
Money: No money needed! See Camp Store for setting up a debit account.
Electronics: No cell phones allowed at Hoop Camp to protect privacy of campers
Medications: Please check in all medications with Camp Nurse during registration.
*Please note that only Bottles of Water are permitted in Cabins. No food allowed to avoid unwanted visits from nature.
- All valuables, including cell phones, should be left home with parents
- Any money must be deposited in the Camp Store
- Any medications must be left with the Camp Nurse
- Camper Registration begins Sunday at 1 p.m.
- Player Evaluations begin at 1:30
Tip! How not to wait in line
- If you have paid tuition in full and submitted your signed Medical Form then you and your child may proceed directly to the assigned cabin to meet your counselor and select your bunk.
- If you have not paid your tuition in full or submitted your signed Medical Form then you will have to wait in the registration line.
Check-in to-do list: 1:00 Camp Opens
- Meet your counselor in your assigned bunk
- Drop any and all medications off with the Camp Nurse
- Deposit money in the Camp Store
- Once you have completed the above:
- 1:30 Campers proceed to the Main Courts for Player Evaluations
- 1:30 Parents may proceed to the Parent Q&A on the Front Porch
NOTE: Cabin assignments are based on alphabetical order. No requests for cabin assignments will be honored.
11:15 – 12:00
Camp Championship Game
12:00 – 12:30
Closing Ceremonies – Coach Belanger and entire staff (Court 2)
Camper check out – Counselors (Cabins)
Parents sign out
Get directions by clicking HERE or use the map below to better familiarize yourself.
1 Hoop Camp Drive, Casco, Maine
On Thursday Morning
- 11:15 am Parents are welcome to arrive
- Noon Closing Ceremonies
- 12:30 pm Camper Check Out
- Camper t-shirts are presented by Coach Philbrook
- Camp champions by Coach Martin
- Camper awards are presented by Coach Belanger and the coaching staff
- All-Star team
- Coaches Award
- Hustle & Defense Award
- Camper Award
- Free Throw Champion
- Checkout occurs back at the cabins with your son or daughter’s counselor after the closing ceremonies have concluded
- Checkout with counselor in cabin
- Pick-up any medications with the Camp Nurse
- Pick-up any money left in the Camp Store
- Check lost & found for any items left behind
- Cabin assignments are made by alphabetical order, and teams are assessed on Sunday afternoon to make sure all are competitive. As such we can't guarantee any requests.
- Part of the overnight camp experience is so our campers can build social and communication skills, instill confidence, and learn how to make new friends, which is one of the reasons we do not accept cabin requests.